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Eyecharts Clear With Imagination, Memory
06-28-2014, 07:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2014 07:57 AM by ClarkNight.)
Post: #1
Eyecharts Clear With Imagination, Memory
Look at letters on the eyechart and imagine as Dr. Bates did;

Imagine there are caves or mountains, people walking among the letters, in and out around the R, 4, P, then small letters.

I was doing this last night; looking at the letters, imaging pilots with those old WW2 hats were up in a cliff cave hideout; planning their flight, making camp, a fire at night, then building a rail in the day, green trees, grass, rocks... All in color, action. Movement of the imaginary characters made my eyes-vision move upon the chart letters without trying to see or think about the eyechart; it was perfectly clear. Did with both eyes, one eye at a time; all clear and so easy; this imagination thing takes away effort to see, even the subconscious effort. Your mind is not thinking of the clarity of the chart, not trying to see the letters. No effort, no worry; it becomes clear on its own.

Ophthalmologist Bates BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE with Translator, Speaker; - FREE Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Training, 20 Color E-books. YouTube Videos; - Phone, Google Video Chat, Skype Training;
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