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Forums in 'Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Original and Modern Bates Method - Free Training, E-Books'
  Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Forum Contains New Posts GuestPage; Welcome, Navigation, Registration. GuestPage Rules. Where to Post Questions, What's New...
(Pages show best, all colors, pictures... in Chrome, Firefox.) Forums, threads on top are Introduction, Dedication to Ophthalmologist Bates and information, help for people that want to learn Natural Eyesight Improvement. Move down this page for forums, threads open to the public. The forum, activation of membership is open to students I have talked to on Skype, Google Video, Phone and e-mail. Others are welcome to join. See the first threads for complete information, how to register.
16 289 MORE NEWS
03-18-2025 04:58 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Dedication to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Introduction, History The Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Improvement
This Guest page is dedicated to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Read entire Dedication, Introduction, his Life Story, History here.
3 3 Website Navigation and th...
01-13-2020 05:13 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - History, Discussion, Special Interests ----- (Open Forum)
This page is for people that have information to share about Dr. Bates, questions about his method and other topics. A History of his life is included. Create your own threads.
2 3 Wiki
10-19-2014 08:47 AM
by JohnMacNamara
Forum Contains New Posts Communication With Other Students, Teachers, Everyone. Video, Audio and Written Replys ----- (Open Forum)
The Best Teachers, Trainees! Experienced Bates Method people endorsed by Clark Night may teach here. This is Your Forum-Thread. Communicate with other students, Natural Vision teachers here. Discuss the Bates Method, your progress, what practices worked best for you. Teachers may communicate by Written, Video and Audio reply. Just create and upload to YouTube and link it here so it auto embeds. (No linking to videos on other websites, Yahoo.... This is to protect the forum security. YouTube is safe.) Contact Clark Night (Administrator) for a list of endorsed teachers, experienced Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement people have that have successfully improved their vision, achieved 20/20 and clearer eyesight at all distances close and far, and no longer wear eyeglasses, contact lenses... Others that are in process of improving, learning, even if their sight is very unclear are welcome to post your status... and exchange information with others.
8 85 Post Questions Here For W...
10-22-2015 09:43 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Ask Questions, Natural Eyesight Improvement Training by Teacher Clark Night - Video, Audio Training ----- (Open Forum)
Ask Questions, receive Natural Eyesight Training here from teacher Clark Night, this forum and website, book author; I will respond, train you on this forum with personalized written, audio and video response. (Your choice.) Communication with other students, teachers is placed on the public forums below.
12 61 Post Questions Here For W...
05-18-2015 06:28 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Moderator Forum 2 - Experienced Bates Method Practitioner ----- (Open Forum)
This page is run by Moderator; andrewc. Has many years experience helping people achieve clear eyesight by discussing the Bates Method on a variety of Forums, Groups. He communicates with people in a intelligent, kind and respectful way. (I have set this forum solely for training by andrewc. Administrator-teacher ClarkNight does not post here.) Many people, like andrewc that have successfully applied and communicated the Bates Method for a large part of their life are much better teachers than people who have paid a few thousand dollars to be 'certified' as a teacher but have only practiced the method for a few months, years. I endorse andrewc's Bates Method teacher skills. He is equal to and better than all the certified teachers and others with lifelong experience.
1 2 Secrets to Bates' Success
12-31-2023 11:02 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts The 10 Main Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement Practices; Shifting, Central-Fixation, Relaxation... and Videos
The Main Bates Method Practices; Shifting, Central Fixation, Memory-Imagination, Switching Close and Far... More than 10 are listed. Each is placed in a thread. Click ascending, descending to see threads in order from #1 to newest or Newest to #1.
16 41 Shifting, Picture Cards o...
09-15-2018 09:44 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts 20 Free E-books - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Complete Training!
20 Color, Printable PDF Natural Eyesight Improvement, Bates Method E-books; See links in the first thread. All extra PDF's from threads on this Forum are also placed here.
3 3 Paperback books
07-28-2014 03:24 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts The Cure of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses (Perfect Sight Without Glasses) by Ophthalmologist W. H. Bates
Dr. Bates original book. Discussion, Free in PDF, editions from 1919 to 1940.
2 2 Perfect Sight Without Gla...
04-14-2014 06:43 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts 'Better Eyesight Magazine', 'Perfect Sight Without Glasses' & 'Medical Articles' by Ophthalmologist Bates, M.D.
Read, Discuss, Learn Dr. Bates Original Training From His Better Eyesight Magazine. Dr. Bates Medical Articles and Book 'Perfect Sight Without Glasses' and other doctors, authors books are on this website;
5 7 Google Viewer Better Eyes...
01-30-2015 11:10 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Blind, Semi-Blind, Military Veterans, Everyone USA and Worldwide
Blind people have brought back their sight with application of the Bates Method. Blindness and other eye-vision conditions due to all causes including accidents, war injuries, toxic environment, long term use of eyeglasses. Post your life and eyesight experience here. It will inspire others. Perkins School For The Blind, Guide dog schools; The Seeing Eye, Morris Frank and Buddy, Guiding Eyes.
3 3 Movies, Ray Charles...
11-07-2014 01:36 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts More History of Dr. Bates. 1931 Death Conspiracy? New Eyesight Methods, Treatments
See 1st thread of this page for discussion. From the beginning The Bates Method has grown, like science, math, art... it is perfected, new techniques added. From the 1800's to 1931 Ophthalmologist Bates... (See 1st thread for entire article.)
4 4 Conspiracy Theory or Fact...
08-27-2014 02:05 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Eyecharts - Directions, How To See Letters Clear. Free Pictures, PDF Downloads
Eyecharts C, E, Close and Far Vision, Astigmatism Cures... Ophthalmologist Hermann Snellen and the Snellen Eyechart. Dr. Bates, MacFadden and Emily's charts. History of the eyechart, measurement of vision at close and far distances.
2 2 Eyecharts Clear With Imag...
06-28-2014 07:55 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Eyeglasses; Reverse Addiction To. Reduced 20/40... Prescriptions. Avoid Pinhole Glasses - Video
Reduced 20/40... 'Temporary' Weaker and Weaker Prescriptions if Needed for Driving, Work... as Natural Eyesight Improvement is Practiced and the Vision Goes Through Levels of Improved Clarity. NO EYEGLASSES is the healthiest, fastest way to improve the vision and eyes health. Freedom from Myopia, Presbyopia, Astigmatism, Bifocal prescriptions. Most harmful glasses; bifocal, astigmatism, multi section, mono-vision, sunglasses, tinted lenses... What to avoid!
3 3 On-line Mail Order Reduce...
06-07-2014 04:24 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts The Best Natural Vision-Eyesight Improvement Teachers, Behavioral Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Authors, Books
Experience with teachers, eye doctors; their schools, reading, studying their books, videos, audios; 1800's to present date. Referrals.
1 1 Best Books, Original and ...
04-07-2014 03:37 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Blindness, Impaired Vision-Eye Health Caused by Lasik... Cornea Surgery, Implants, Plus Lens... Unnatural Methods
Dangers, Blindness, Impaired Eye Health and Vision; caused by lasik and other eye cornea surgeries, implanted prescriptions in the eye and unnatural methods. Avoid the Plus Lens and all Anti-corrective Methods; they cause cataract, retina detachment, broken blood vessels in the retina, blindness... Avoid artificial 3-D Unnatural Fusion exercises 'auto-stereograms'-Magic Eyes pictures. (Avoid these and others. See the list on the forum thread, in the PDF's and on the website.)
5 6 Avoid Eye Stretches!
02-27-2015 07:36 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Nutrition, Healthy and Unhealthy Food, Vitamin, Mineral sources...
Food that improves eyesight, eye and body health. Food that impairs eyesight, eye and body health. Here's the nutrition page on the website; Recipes. (Ask me about Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey for Arthritis and Other Conditions.)
6 6 Links to Nutrition
08-21-2014 05:38 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Massage, Movement, Posture, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Dorn Method of Chiropractic Alternatives. Dangers of Chiro
Methods to relax the body, eye muscles and align the bones, vertebrae naturally, safely without chiropractic. Dangers of chiropractic; stroke, death, variety of health problems, eye muscle, eye movement impairment, double vision, vertigo, eyesight, hearing impaired, paralysis...
9 10 Osteopathy
01-16-2015 09:54 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupressure, Monroe Institute, Sprit Travel, Aura, Sprit, Emotional Strength
Align 'get the body's energy moving correct'. This releases old and new unhealthy emotions, stress, improves function of the mind-brain, brain hemispheres, can remove health problems and improves the eyesight. In similar category as Tai Chi, Karate, Acupressure, Spiritual energy/growth and natural forms of mental-emotional healing. Related topics may be; Rational Emotive Therapy by Albert Ellis, Jack Trimpy and methods by Lucinda Bassett. Phycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz M. D. Robert Monroe and the Monroe Institute.
10 10 Donald Trump
07-12-2016 03:37 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Videos; Natural Eyesight Improvement - The True Source, Correct Practice
The Best Natural Eyesight Improvement videos. Posted solely by the author of this forum, website. Videos posted here are endorsed as being completely natural, healthy and effective practices. Many videos on YouTube by other teachers contain incorrect training such as; staring, postures that cause eye and neck muscle tension, impairment of the central field. This forum contains only True, Original, Correct Bates Method Treatments, Videos.
2 3 My Favorite Videos
04-15-2014 01:10 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Other Interests; Movies, Video, Comedy, Sports, News... ----- (Open Forum)
Post your interests, hobbies, news reports... here.
19 24 New and Hollywood and Mor...
12-12-2014 09:55 AM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Chat - Typing and Video, Audio ----- (Open Forum)
Working on getting a Chatroom. Seen a few with private and public multiple video. Seeking a good one that is secure. Might dish out some money for it.
1 1 Chat Room
05-02-2014 04:41 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Bates Method Blogs, Facebook, Twitter ----- (Open Forum)
Articles - Natural Eyesight Improvement. Create your own threads and link to your Blog, Twitter, GooglePlus-Hangouts, social network, website.
1 1 Blog links, Articles
08-17-2014 05:55 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts About Ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates, M.D., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat - Better Eyesight Magazine
Dr. William H. Bates Life & The Bates Method History Doctor Bates Better Eyesight Magazine is placed here. 132 Monthly Issues, one issue per thread. Dr. Bates started his career as an orthodox ophthalmologist following the old, long time rules of the practice; prescribing eyeglasses... During his practice, working with different patients, eye conditions, he realized that unclear close, distant vision, astigmatism and other conditions often cured itself, reversed back to clear vision, especially when his patients stopped wearing their eyeglasses. He noticed that wearing glasses weakened the eyes, resulted in stronger and stronger eyeglass lens prescriptions being needed in order to see clear through the glasses. He began his own studies on the eye and its function. This led him to discover that many of the old ophthalmologist, optometry `supposed facts' about the eye, lens and its function and cause of unclear vision... are incorrect. Dr. Bates began teaching his patients to avoid eyeglasses, stop wearing their glasses. He taught them natural methods, including relaxation, correct use of the eyes, practice of normal, natural eye function to improve the vision. Dr. Bates cured his own eyesight, close vision, presbyopia. Distant vision also clear. He wrote an Article in his book, magazines describing how he did it with Memory, Imagination, Relaxation. He controlled, changed the focus of light rays in his eyes with his mind. Dr. Bates performed experiments on the eyes of animals, and observed the function of thousands of animal, patient's eyes under different conditions, situations, state of mind, body, thoughts and emotions. He used the retinoscope to see the refraction, focus of light rays in the eye under these various conditions. He proved that the refraction, clarity of vision changes often and when the eyes are left alone, eyeglasses avoided, the refraction, clarity returns to normal, clear vision. He proved that the state of the mind, thoughts change the refraction of the eye, clarity of vision. Example: when the mind, body is relaxed, positive, happy thoughts, emotions: the refraction is normal and vision is clear. When the mind, body is under stress, strain: the refraction is abnormal and vision is unclear. Dr. Bates discovered that the main cause of unclear vision and other eye problems is: Wearing Eyeglasses, Mental Strain, Mental, Visual Effort to See, Incorrect Vision Habits (incorrect use of the eyes; squinting, staring, not shifting, lack of central-fixation, low memory, imagination...). Perfect Sight occurs only with Perfect Relaxation (deep or active/dynamic relaxation - See Aldous Huxley's book: The Art of Seeing). Relaxation occurs first and then the eyesight becomes clear. His experiments on the outer eye muscles proved that tension in these muscles disrupts their function, the eyes movement, accommodation, convergence, un-accommodation, divergence, causes pressure, tension on/in the eye, alters the eyes shape, (and lens), disrupts focus of light rays on the retina and the clarity of vision. Circulation in the eyes is also affected. Mental strain, stress, strain in the mind, negative thoughts, emotions cause eye muscle tension. Neck muscle tension causes eye muscle tension and neck tension is caused by mental strain, negative thoughts, emotions, incorrect posture, injury: vertebrae out of alignment). Inner eye muscle tension; ciliary/lens, iris, tear gland muscle... also occurs. When the mind is strained, tense, the brain and retina do not communicate, function together at optimum level, function of the retina is lowered. Dr. Bates proved that MENTAL STRAIN causes unclear vision. RELAXATION of the mind produces clear vision. Dr. Bates used his retinoscope to show that the refraction/focus of light rays in the eye are disrupted resulting in unclear vision when a person lies. Lying causes a bit of mental strain. When the person tells the truth-no strain occurs, the refraction is perfect and vision clear. Many things can cause mental strain. Avoid eyeglasses, remove the stress, strain and vision returns to clear. Practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement can uncover old, forgotten stressful experiences, resulting in strong emotions, feelings being remembered, activated. Once the memory, feelings are acknowledged, released and new positive thoughts, emotions placed into the brain, system: often the vision immediately returns to normal 20/20 and clearer. No other practice is needed. The eyes relax, move, `shift'... correct on their own. Dr. Bates published Medical Articles, Books describing his experiments on the eyes, eye muscles, the effect of memory on the eyes, vision and the effect of the clarity of vision on the memory: 1891 `A Study of Images Reflected from the Cornea, Iris, Lens, and Sclera' & `Memory as an Aid to Vision'. These Articles and others are placed in his 1920 book: The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment without Glasses, Better Eyesight Magazine and his Medical Articles E-Book. Dr. Bates created Natural Treatments, Activities to cure; reverse, correct and prevent unclear vision and other eye conditions based on his discoveries. This became know as `The Bates Method'. Glaucoma, cataracts and other eye conditions were also reversed successfully with Dr. Bates Natural Treatments. Dr. Bates History - Dates 1860 - Born December, 23rd - New Jersey, USA. 1881 - Graduate - B.S. (Bachelor of Science) Agriculture - Cornell University in New York. 1885 - Graduate - MD (Medical Degree - Doctor of Medicine) - College of Physicians & Surgeons - Columbia University, New York. 1886 - Invented new operation for a type of deafness by incising the ear drum membrane and published article. Published more articles on the Eye, Eye Muscles, Lens, Cornea, Cataracts, Accommodation, Myopia... from this date onward. Discovered and published Article on properties of the aqueous extract of the suprarenal capsule, `Adrenalin'. 1886 - First Natural Eyesight Improvement Application - Dr. Bates cures a medical student of unclear distant vision, `Myopia' without eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. 1886 -1902 - Eye surgeon - Instructor of Ophthalmology - New York Postgraduate Medical School, Hospital. Dr. Bates teaches the other doctors, medical students to stop wearing their eyeglasses and how to cure their eyesight, myopia with Natural Methods. Dr. Bates natural treatments were successful. He states, proves the natural cure for Myopia, unclear distant vision. (1891 - Dr. Roosa, the chief director of the institution, expelled Dr. Bates in an attempt to hide Natural Eyesight Improvement from the public and maintain the practice of solely prescribing eyeglasses, surgery and drugs.) Dr. Bates then opens his own office, clinic and works for better hospitals. Attending Physician, Surgeon, Clinic Assistant - Manhattan Eye & Ear hospital, Bellevue hospital, New York Eye Infirmary-Northern, Northeastern, Northwestern dispensary & Harlem Hospital. Invented Astigmatic Keratotomy, an operation to correct astigmatism. He discontinued applying this operation after he realized through further study of Natural Eyesight Improvement that the operation eventually impairs the eyes function, cornea, vision, health. It works against the natural function of the eye. Dr. Bates discontinued his hospital schedules for a while and started experimental work, studied the eyes natural function at the laboratory at Columbia University.., Research at the Pathology Laboratory of Dr. Pruden at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. Dr. Bates goes to Grand Forks, North Dakota, (Medical License) and teaches his Natural Eyesight Improvement Method, correct natural use of Snellen Eyecharts in the schools, brings clear vision to the children and teachers. Elected president of the Grand Forks district Medical Society. Back to New York, worked as Attending Physician - Harlem Hospital in New York City. Teaches his method, use of Snellen Eyecharts in the schools, brings clear vision to the children and teachers in New York City. 1911+ - Met Emily C. Lierman. Dr. Bates cured her eyesight, then hired her as his assistant clinic nurse -They worked his experiments in the Physiological Laboratory at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York and treated patient's eyesight with natural methods in the Harlem Hospital, Clinic. Many years giving free treatments to the Public. They Married in 1928. Dr Bates performs experiments on the eyes of Animals, Fish proving that the outer eye muscles when tense can alter the shape of the eye, lens and cause unclear vision, cataracts and other conditions. He proves the outer eye muscles, oblique can accommodate the eyes for clear close vision. 1918 - 1924 - Course, book `Strengthening the Eyes' by Bernarr Macfadden & Dr. W. H. Bates - Physical Culture Publishing Co. In later book editions, Only MacFadden's name was listed on the book. 1919 -1930 - Dr. Bates Published his Monthly `Better Eyesight Magazine' - Central-Fixation Publishing Co. - 11 Years-132 Issues recording various Natural Treatments for many different eye conditions of the patients of Dr. Bates, Emily and other doctor's... patients. A Gold Mine, History of Natural Eyesight Improvement Methods, Applications. 1920 - Dr. Bates published his book: `The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses'. 2nd print renamed: `Perfect Sight Without Glasses'. Medical Article - The American Journal of Clinical Medicine 'A Clinical and Experimental Study of Physiological Optics with a view to the Cure of Imperfect Sight Without glasses'. Basic information on The Bates Method. Many Medical Articles proving the effectiveness of The Bates Method were published though the years. Elected Vice President of Allied Medical Associations of America. Stopped work at Harlem Hospital, Clinic and starts Free Clinic treatments day at new location. 1926 - Emily C. A. Lierman (Bates) writes, publishes the book: `Stories From The Clinic' describing The Bates Method, various natural treatments Dr. Bates and Emily applied to cure many different eye conditions for patients in their Clinic. 1931, July 10th - Dr. Bates Deceased, age 70 at his home in New York City. Emily Lierman/Bates, Dr. Harold Peppard, Dr. William B. MacCracken, C.S. Price, Clara Hackett, Margaret Corbett, Aldous Huxley and others continue to teach The Bates Method. Better Eyesight Magazine and Bates Books, Articles were Preserved. Bates Teachers work in Cities in the U.S.A., England, Germany, Spanish Teachers, South Africa,.. 1940 - Emily Lierman, Bates re-published Dr. Bates book with an additional chapter teaching The Bates Method's Application: The Fundamental Principles of Treatment. (The list of treatments is placed in this introduction and is derived from Better Eyesight Magazine, June, 1921 and other issues & Dr. Bates original books). Sometime during her teaching profession she and others continued to bring the Bates Method to California and other states, countries. Thousands of person's eyesight cured naturally. Emily and other teachers made a Movie on `How to Apply The Bates Method'. It is hard to find. 1940 -1941+ - Natural Eyesight Improvement Teachers are sued by the Optical, Medical Industry, Association in an attempt to stop them from teaching The Bates Method. (See Margaret Corbett, Aldous Huxley case in this book.) Optical Industry, AMA, Eye Doctors destroy Dr. Bates Books, Magazines, Articles, remove them from Colleges, Libraries, Bookstores... 1943 - Emily Lierman/Bates re-publishes Dr. Bates book with a new title `Better Eyesight Without Glasses'. Many treatments in the book are removed causing The Bates Method to be mis-understood by students. Students confused Natural Eyesight Improvement with Eye Exercises. (The Bates Method uses relaxation of the mind, body, eye muscles and eyes. Exercise, hard effort is not applied.) Emily wrote this new limited book out of fear of Law Suits, Abuse, Imprisonment by the Medical People(Optical Industry, AMA...) that preferred to continue selling harmful Eyeglasses, Eye Surgery, Drugs and hide Natural Eyesight Improvement from the public. Emily and other Natural Eyesight Improvement Bates Teachers, a few honest Eye Doctors secretly preserved Dr. Bates Original Books, Medical Articles, Better Eyesight Magazines in the U.S.A. and other countries. Read Dr. Bates Book here; And 11 years, 132 monthly issues of his Better Eyesight Magazine; ---------------------------------------->>>>>>First Issue July 1919; Flashing & The Fundamental Principle - Do you read imperfectly? Can you observe then that when you look at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do not see best where you are looking; that you see other words, or other letters, just as well as or better than the ones you are looking at? Do you observe also that the harder you try to see the worse you see? Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color, like black or white, that you can remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel rested, or until the feeling of strain has been completely relieved. Now open them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second. If you have been able to relax, partially or completely, you will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area seen best will be smaller. After opening the eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again quickly, still remembering the color, and keep them closed until they again feel rested. Then again open them for a fraction of a second. Continue this alternate resting of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer than a fraction of a second without losing the improved vision. If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use the same method with distant letters. In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental principles of the cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses. If you fail, ask someone with perfect sight to help you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>This first article and others are placed on page 2 on the inside cover of each monthly Better Eyesight Magazine issue. The articles consist of a variety of the Best of Dr. Bates Original Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments, Activities. The student can copy, paste these into a small fine print booklet to carry in a pocket and practice in your spare time. Fine Print – For Clear Close Vision; In The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Oliver Wendell Holmes published a very remarkable case of the cure of presbyopia. "There is now living in New York State," he says, "an old gentleman who, perceiving his sight to fail, immediately took to exercising it on the finest print, and in this way fairly bullied Nature out of her foolish habit of taking liberties at five-and-forty, or thereabouts. And now this old gentleman performs the most extraordinary feats with his pen, showing that his eyes must be a pair of microscopes. I should be afraid to say how much he writes in the compass of a half-dime, whether the Psalms or the Gospels, or the Psalms and the Gospels, I won't be positive."5 An officer in the American Expeditionary Forces, whose letter is published elsewhere, wrote to me about a year ago that he has cured himself of presbyopia, and after half a lifetime of misery was entirely free from eye discomfort. There must be many more of these cases, and we want to hear of them. (Five and forty=fifties, forties… year of age.) Reading fine print maintains clear close and distant vision at all ages and keeps the eyes healthy, prevents development of eye diseases. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>FORUM VIDEO PAGE; ------------------->>>>>100 YOUTUBE VIDEOS; --------------- Moderators may post on this forum.
133 133 Better Eyesight in Antiqu...
02-17-2015 12:05 PM
by ClarkNight
Forum Contains New Posts Suggestions Are Welcome ----- (Open Forum)
See something that could be done better? Want a function you used, seen on another website added here? Let us know. Complaints... post them here.
1 1 Ideas...
04-07-2014 04:20 PM
by ClarkNight