Dedication to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Bates Method History
04-07-2014, 12:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2016 12:28 PM by ClarkNight.)
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Dedication to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Bates Method History
Dr. Bates and his New York City Clinic Assistant, Wife Emily C. Lierman, (Emily A. Bates) His book, Eyecharts... This Guest Page-Forum is dedicated to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. He discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, The Bates Method. http://www.cleareyesight-batesmethod.inf...id150.html Read, listen to 132 Issues of Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine FREE on-line; http://www.cleareyesight-batesmethod.inf...tesmethod/ Visit for FREE training, 97 videos. YouTube; The website, free books; includes William H. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines. Central Fixation Publishing Co., New York City, New York, USA. Dr. Bates Biography; Dr. William H. Bates, Ophthalmologist discovered and perfected Natural Eyesight Improvement, The Bates Method'. He discovered the natural principles, true, normal function of the eyes (visual system) and applied natural methods, relaxation to return the eyes, eye muscles, nerves, mind/brain, thought patterns, body (entire visual system) to natural, normal function with healthy eyes and clear vision. 'The Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Improvement'. He cured; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, crossed, wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye conditions. Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement was practiced years before Dr. Bates discovered it. It is the normal, natural function of the eyes. Hidden from the public by Eye Surgeons, Optometrists, Optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works, is easy, anyone can learn, teach it, including children. It produces healthy eyes, clear vision and frees the patient from the need to purchase harmful eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts! Dr. Bates worked his entire life treating people successfully with Natural Eyesight Improvement. When he cured the eyes, vision of many patients, medical students and other doctors in the hospital where he worked with natural treatments, without use of eyeglasses, surgery, drugs and proved his method is fact and that some of the old theories of eye function are incorrect, only theories; the doctors, eye surgeons that preferred to sell eyeglasses, surgery, drugs became angry and expelled him. (See: `Reason and Authority' and `Dr. Bates Lecture' in Better Eyesight Magazine; November, 1919, April, 1923 and Articles in his book.) Dr. Bates then opened his own office, a Clinic in Harlem, New York City. He treated thousands of people by natural methods, including many of the poor people that had little money. He kept his price for medical treatment low and also provided no charge office visits `Free Clinic Days' for people that could not afford to pay for a visit to an Ophthalmologist. He trained, certified other doctors, people to be Bates Method-Natural Eyesight Improvement Teachers. He trained them for free, no charge. His treatments were successful. He cured the young and old, people of all ages, nationalities, cured a variety of eye conditions previously considered incurable. The Bates Method is so simple and effective that many of his cured patients, `often children' then went on to cure their friends, family, parents, teachers and other children of defective vision including crossed, wandering eyes, blindness. Read the `true story of the two little girls that restored a blind man's eyesight' in the Oct. 1925 Magazine Issue. Read Dr. Bates full story in `Better Eyesight Magazine' and his book `The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses'. Dr. Bates recorded 11 years of work in his clinic, his patients and their varied treatments in his Better Eyesight Magazines, Books and Medical Articles. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines contain many Natural Treatments, a variety of Activities, Directions, Articles describing how Dr. Bates, Emily Lierman Bates, (his clinic assistant, wife) and other Eye Doctors, School Teachers, Bates Method Students, Bates Teachers, Children and Parents used Natural Treatments to remove, correct, prevent many different eye problems: unclear close and distant vision (nearsight, myopia, farsight, presbyopia), astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, conical cornea, cornea ulcers & scars, retinitis pigmentosa, wandering/crossed eyes (strabismus), amblyopia and other eye conditions. Done without eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. Dr. Bates used surgery, drugs only when necessary, (Eye injury, infection...). The magazines contain `True Life Stories' of the doctors, assistants, patients, treatments. Interesting, entertaining, fun to read. A History book, life in the early 1900's. Vision improvement based `Fairy Stories' and other articles for children are included. The stories produce a positive, relaxed state of mind, activate, improve the memory and imagination, teach Natural Eyesight Improvement, normal, correct eye functions. This improves the eyesight without trying, effortlessly. Dr. Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement over 100 years ago - Started around the year 1886. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines, books are the original source of The Bates Method and true Natural Eyesight Improvement. The Original Better Eyesight Magazine collection is proof that Ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered the Bates Method, Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement and is the True Author of the Magazine. The Optical, Medical Industry/Association and most Eye Doctors, Opticians have hidden Dr. Bates work, magazines, books, articles, Natural Eyesight Improvement from the public for over 100 years because: The Bates Method improves the clarity of vision, eye function, Dr. Bates writings are proof that Natural Eyesight Improvement works, produces clear vision, healthy eyes, it describes, teaches people how to apply Natural Eyesight Improvement & obtain clear vision `on their own' and prevents the need for purchasing eyeglasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, eye surgery and drugs. The Bates Method is safe, healthy for the eyes, reverses and prevents vision impairment. After Dr. Bates death, the Optical Industry, Medical Doctors/Association destroyed Dr. Bates magazines, books, articles, removed them from libraries, schools, colleges, bookstores in an attempt to hide the truth about Natural Eyesight Improvement from the public, prevent people from curing their eyesight. They bribed dishonest politicians, judges to pass laws preventing the public from teaching Natural Eyesight Improvement. They passed a law stating that only an eye doctor can teach the Bates Method. Most doctors refused to teach it. Ophthalmology, Optometry, Optician Colleges hid it, refused to teach it and Eye Doctors were taught in College to ignore the Bates Method. Honest eye doctors were afraid to teach it, were told that they would lose their medical license if they used it in their practice. A few honest Eye Doctors, Bates Teachers, Students, Libraries from the 1900's-present have hidden, preserved and republished Dr. Bates magazines, books and continued to teach the Bates Method despite harassment from the Optical, Medical Industry; Emily Lierman/Bates, Dr. Harold Peppard, Cecil S. Price, Dr. William MacCracken, Bernarr MacFadden, Clara Hackett, Margaret Corbett, Aldous Huxley, Janet Goodrich, Thomas Quackenbush and others. (See the case of Margaret Corbett and Aldous Huxley, New York City, USA; The Optical/Medical Industry/Association brought her to court, accused her of practicing Optometry without a license. She won all cases brought against her and cured the eyesight of many people that were in the courtroom. Aldous Huxley (famous Author) was a witness for Margaret Corbett, proved to the court how she reversed his near blindness, improved his eyesight. He later wrote the book; `The Art of Seeing'. She won other cases preserving the public's right to teach, practice Natural Eyesight Improvement. The Optical, Medical and Drug Industry prefers to sell eyeglasses, contact lenses, dangerous destructive cornea laser eye surgery, cataract lens surgery, other eye operations and drugs. They continue to suppress, hide the Bates Method from their patients, the public. Dishonest Eye Doctors prescribe stronger and stronger eyeglass lenses, bifocals, unneeded astigmatism sections in the eyeglass lenses, tinted/UV blocking lenses & sunglasses knowing that this causes and increases fast vision impairment, eye muscle tension, abnormal pressure, tension on/in the eye, retina, lens.., dependence on stronger eyeglasses and leads to development of cataracts, detached retina, other eye health impairment resulting in thousands of dollars profit from performing cataract, retina, cornea... surgery. (Eyeglasses, bifocals and glasses with astigmatism sections... cause and increase astigmatism, conical cornea, cornea ulcers, infections, scars) I suspect that some Opticians, Optometrists that sell stronger and stronger eyeglasses secretly receive money, `kickbacks' from eye surgeons when the business sends a patient that has developed a cataract or other eye problem, `advanced and ready for surgery' to the eye surgeon for a operation. Senior citizens are their main victim, `customer', abused by their doctors, told to wait for surgery until the cataract grows large enough while the doctor sells stronger and stronger eyeglass lenses, bifocals, unnecessary astigmatism sections in the glasses, sunglasses... knowing that this practice will cause more vision impairment, increase, speed the growth, development of the cataract and prevent a natural reversal, cure of the cataract. A sales pitch for laser eye cornea surgery is often done after the patient's eyesight is greatly impaired from being prescribed addictive, stronger and stronger eyeglass lenses, bifocals and astigmatism lenses. When the patient feels helpless, scared, they are pressured into agreeing to eye cornea laser surgery. Laser cornea eye surgeons destroy the health, structure of the eyes cornea knowing it will lead to a variety of eye, vision impairments, sale of eyeglasses, more eye surgery. Many patients have experienced extreme, disabling vision problems, eye pain and blindness has occurred. Patients have committed suicide, explaining to their family they would rather die than live with the greatly impaired vision, pain and poor quality of life that the laser cornea eye surgery caused. See the FDA 'Cornea Surgery Side Effects Warning'. The law states that eye doctors do not have to tell their patients all the dangers, side effects of cornea eye surgeries. Laser surgery destroys the cornea's health, function and often results in more eye surgeries to correct the damage done by the first laser surgery. Even though the TV news stations and newspapers receive a lot of money for advertising Laser surgery they post reports on laser cornea eye surgery side effects. Blinding people is the cruelest, most heartless type of crime! Doctors are doing this! An honest eye doctor prefers to get the patient to stop use of eyeglasses, will not prescribe strong eyeglasses, bifocals, tinted, UV blocking lenses, sunglasses, astigmatism sections, laser cornea eye surgery. He/she teaches the patient how to reverse, prevent unclear vision, astigmatism, cataracts and other abnormal eye conditions. Due to the truth about Natural Medicine being available to the modern public, interest in Natural Cures; Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines, books, work has been recovered from individual owners, re-published and brought back to the public. Many HONEST Ophthalmologists, Optometrists are now learning, teaching the Bates Method and monitoring, recording their patients Natural Eyesight Improvement progress. Dr. William H. Bates Life & The Bates Method History Dr. Bates started his career as an orthodox ophthalmologist following the old, long time rules of the practice; prescribing eyeglasses... During his practice, working with different patients, eye conditions, he realized that unclear close, distant vision, astigmatism and other conditions often cured itself, reversed back to clear vision, especially when his patients stopped wearing their eyeglasses and relaxed. He noticed that wearing glasses 'tensed' the eyes, eye muscles, lowered the vision, resulted in stronger and stronger eyeglass lens prescriptions being needed in order to see clear through the glasses. He began his own studies on the eye and its function. This led him to discover that many of the old ophthalmologist, optometry `supposed facts' about the eye, lens and its function and cause of unclear vision... are incorrect. Dr. Bates began teaching his patients to avoid eyeglasses, stop wearing their glasses. He taught them natural methods, including relaxation, correct use of the eyes, practice of normal, natural eye function to improve the vision. Dr. Bates cured his own eyesight, close vision, presbyopia. Distant vision also clear. He wrote an Article in his book, magazines describing how he did it with Memory, Imagination, Relaxation. 'He controlled, changed the focus of light rays in his eyes with his mind.' Dr. Bates performed experiments on the eyes of animals, and observed the function of thousands of animal, patient's eyes under different conditions, situations, state of mind, body, thoughts and emotions. He used the retinoscope to see the refraction, focus of light rays in the eye under these various conditions. He proved that the refraction, clarity of vision changes often and when the eyes are left alone, eyeglasses avoided, the refraction, clarity returns to normal, clear vision. He proved that the state of the mind, thoughts change the refraction of the eye, clarity of vision. Example: when the mind, body is relaxed, positive, happy thoughts, emotions; the refraction is normal and vision is clear. When the mind, body is under stress, strain; the refraction is abnormal and vision is unclear. Dr. Bates discovered that the main cause of unclear vision and other eye problems is; Wearing Eyeglasses, Mental Strain, Mental, Visual Effort to See, Poor Vision Habits-incorrect use of the eyes; squinting, staring, not shifting-lack of normal, relaxed eye movements, lack of central-fixation, low memory, imagination... Perfect Sight occurs only with Perfect Relaxation (deep or active/dynamic relaxation - See Aldous Huxley's book: The Art of Seeing. Relaxation occurs first and then the eyesight becomes clear, but practicing normal, relaxed eye function will also induce relaxation of mind and eyes. Dr. Bates experiments on the outer eye muscles proved that tension in these muscles (mainly caused by eyeglasses, stress, strain in the mind, incorrect use of the eyes) disrupts their function, the eyes movement, accommodation, convergence, un-accommodation, divergence, causes pressure, tension, pulling on/in the eye, alters the eyes shape, (and lens, retina...), disrupts refraction, focus of light rays in the eye, on the retina and the clarity of vision. Blood, oxygen, fluid, tear circulation, production, nerve function in the eyes is also impaired. Mental strain, stress, strain in the mind, negative thoughts, emotions cause eye muscle tension. Neck muscle tension causes eye muscle tension and neck tension is caused by mental strain, negative thoughts, emotions, incorrect posture, injury: vertebrae out of alignment). Inner eye muscle tension; ciliary/lens, iris, tear gland muscle... also occurs. When the mind is strained, tense, the brain and retina do not communicate, function together at optimum level, function of the retina is lowered. Relaxing the mind, eyes, returning the eyes to normal movement, function relaxes the outer, inner eye muscles, returns the eyes, lens, retina... to normal shape with normal eye pressure, circulation for healthy eyes, clear vision. Dr. Bates proved that MENTAL STRAIN causes unclear vision. RELAXATION of the mind produces clear vision. Dr. Bates used his retinoscope to show that the refraction/focus of light rays in the eye are disrupted resulting in unclear vision when a person lies. Lying causes a bit of mental strain. When the person tells the truth-no strain occurs, the refraction is perfect and vision clear. Many things can cause mental strain. Avoid eyeglasses, remove the stress, strain and vision returns to clear. Practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement can uncover old, forgotten stressful experiences, resulting in strong emotions, feelings being remembered, activated. Once the memory, feelings are acknowledged, released and new positive thoughts, emotions placed into the brain, system; often the vision immediately returns to normal 20/20 and clearer. No other practice is needed. The eyes relax, move, `shift'... correct on their own. Dr. Bates published Medical Articles, Books describing his experiments on the eyes, eye muscles, the effect of memory on the eyes, vision and the effect of the clarity of vision on the memory: 1891 `A Study of Images Reflected from the Cornea, Iris, Lens, and Sclera' & `Memory as an Aid to Vision'. These Articles and others are placed in his 1920 book: The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment without Glasses, Better Eyesight Magazine and his Medical Articles Book. Dr. Bates created Natural Treatments, Activities to cure; reverse, correct and prevent unclear vision and other eye conditions based on his discoveries. This became known as `The Bates Method'. The secret for clear vision that most eye doctors hide; what is shifting? It is Eye Movement; moving 'shifting' the visual attention (Central Field) from part to part on a object to see it clear. Relax. Blink. This is the main thing that brings clear vision. Replace squinting, trying to see with shifting. Dr. Bates describes shifting in Better Eyesight Magazine; When you look at a chair; avoid trying to see all parts clear at the exact same time. Look at one part at a time. Look at, see clearest a small part, then move to another small part, then another... ; Look at a part of the chairs back, then move to a different part on the back, then another part, then shift to a part on a leg, then shift to a arm, then the top, then side... When looking at a part; continue to shift small part to small part on the part. The eyes truly shift 'point to point', jumping about with small, fast, relaxed, tiny movements (saccades); moving the eyes central field, its macula, fovea centralis in the center of the macula, eyes retina upon the object of visual attention. 'Shifting and Central-Fixation.' The eyes move automatically with the attention of the mind, brain; objects the brain, eyes are looking at and objects, subjects, thoughts occurring in the mind using the memory, imagination. Improving the function and relaxation of the mind, body, memory, imagination improves eye movement, the clarity of eyesight. Clear eyesight further improves all functions of the mind,/brain and relaxation. Each reinforce, improve the other. Relaxed, normal eye movements, relaxed mind relaxes the outer, inner eye muscles, pulls healthy light into the eyes, removes tension on/in the eye, improves eye circulation, returns the eye to normal shape with correct focus of light rays in the eye, clear eyesight. Practice shifting at close, middle, far distances for clear eyesight at all distances. Practice as a healthy habit, normal, correct eye (visual system) function. See for free shifting directions. Test, practice with the eyes, vision in this way with; both eyes together, one eye at a time, both eyes together again. If vision is less clear in one eye at one or more distances; practice a bit more with the less clear vision eye to get the vision equal, perfect in the left and right eyes at all distances. Read, shift on fine print for clear close vision if needed. This is basically the whole practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement. Relaxation of the mind and eyes (eye muscles, body, neck follows); this is Dr. Bates main treatment. When the mind relaxes, the vision is clear. I teach the students to "Practice, then Don't practice"; Let the eyes function completely, truly natural, perfect without any conscious control, direction. Function of the mind/brain; memory, imagination and other functions that work with the eyes improve, increasing visual clarity. The 10 Correct Vision Habits (natural, normal, relaxed eye, visual system function); Shifting, Central Fixation, Movement, Blinking, Abdominal Breathing, Switching Close and Far, Long Swing, Sway (Rock), Memory and Imagination, Sunning, Palming and other activities described in Clark Night's the books are derived from Dr. Bates treatments, method and are listed in his Better Eyesight Magazines and books. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines, books are included in the Paperback and E-Book to enable the Natural Eyesight Improvement student to learn directly from Ophthalmologist Bates, provide the reader with access to Dr. Bates treatments, teaching method, true Natural Eyesight Improvement. The reader can avoid fraudulent teachers, harmful methods. Free E-Book Activities, Treatments; Shifting-Natural Eye movement, Central Fixation, Relaxation, Body Movement, Blinking, Memory and Imagination, Switching Close, Middle, Far for perfect equally clear vision, convergence, accommodation, divergence, un-accommodation in the left and right eyes at all distances, Strabismus; Crossed, Wandering Eyes Treatment, Left and Right Brain Hemisphere Activation and Integration, Color Treatment/Visualization, Alpha, Theta, Delta Brain Wave Deep Relaxation, Palming, Positive Thinking, Posture, Physical Therapy, Abdominal Breathing, Energy Circulation/Strengthening, Sunning, Saccadic Sunning, Reading Fine Print Clear, Reading Eyecharts Clear, EFT, Acupressure, and other Activities for clear Close and Distant, Day and Night Vision and Healthy Eyes. Eye Nutrition included. Learn how to work with a Bates Method Behavioral Optometrist or Ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam and be prescribed reduced, weaker and weaker eyeglass lenses (if needed for driving, work safety...) temporarily as the vision is improving. Gain complete freedom from eyeglasses. Avoid harmful, unnecessary eye surgeries. (Read the directions, disclaimer on the Authors YouTube Channel and website FIRST before practicing any eyesight improvement method. Do not practice with contact lenses. Do not practice if you have had cornea laser or any eye, eye cornea surgeries including cataract surgery with an eyeglass prescription replacement lens implanted in the eye. Check with your eye doctor first and read the directions, explanation on the website. The eye that has been altered by surgery may not function correct with practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement. Surgery and natural methods can conflict, impair each other's function. The videos, books are for educational purpose only. The Author does not claim to be an eye doctor, optician, medical doctor. Always get an eye exam by an Ophthalmologist to check the health, state of the eyes, vision.) Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines in their Original Antique Print from the 1900's, unedited, entire collection of 11 years, 132 Monthly Issues; July, 1919 to June, 1930, Vol. 1 and 2 are published in Paperback by Clark Night, David Kiesling, Amazon Createspace. Dr. Bates Books, Better Eyesight Magazines, Medical Articles and Emily C.A. Lierman/Bates book Stories From The Clinic were created by converting books from David Kiesling at; OCR scan to text and Photoshop. David found and assembled the first original Better Eyesight Magazine collection in PDF form. The Paperback version was then created by Clark Night. Free E-Books; Mary I. Oliver (Clark Night-Pen Name) Ophthalmologist Bates BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE with Translator, Speaker; - FREE Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Training, 20 Color E-books. YouTube Videos; - Phone, Google Video Chat, Skype Training; |
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