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Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1925
07-28-2014, 09:20 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2015 05:37 PM by ClarkNight.)
Post: #1
Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1925
October 1925

Read Fine Print – Some Truths: Distance, Illumination, Environment, Strain During Sleep, Eye Shades, The Black Bandage, Summary – Stories From The Clinic: 68. How Others Help – The Movie Mind – Better Eyesight League Notice – The Blind Man-Two Little Girls - Soon to be Published - The Bat – Attention: Medical Articles




Many nearsighted patients can read fine print or diamond type at less than ten inches from their eyes easily, perfectly and quickly, by alternately regarding the Snellen test card at different distances, from three feet up to fifteen feet or further. The vision may be improved, at first temporarily, and later, by repetition, a permanent gain usually follows.
It is a valuable fact to know, that when fine print is read perfectly, the near-sightedness or myopia disappears during this period. It can only be maintained at first for a fraction of a second, and later more continuously.
Nearsighted patients and others, with the help of the fine print can usually demonstrate that staring at a small letter always lowers the vision, and that the same fact is true when regarding distant letters or objects.
With the help of the fine print, the nearsighted patient can also demonstrate that one can remember perfectly only what has been seen perfectly; that one imagines perfectly only what is remembered perfectly, and that perfect sight is only a perfect imagination.
A great many people are very suspicious of the imagination, and feel or believe that things imagined are never true. The more ignorant the patient, the less respect do they have for their imagination, or the imagination of other people. It comes to them as a great shock, with a feeling of discomfort, to discover that the perfect imagination of a known letter improves the sight for unknown letters of the Snellen test card, and for other objects.
It is a fact, that one can read fine print perfectly, with perfect relaxation, with great relief to eyestrain, pain, fatigue and discomfort, not only of the eyes, but of all other nerves of the body.


By W. H. Bates, M.D.

Normal sight can always be demonstrated in the normal eye but only under favorable conditions.

It has been generally believed that the normal eye has normal sight continuously. This is an error. The normal eye does not have normal sight all the time. It has always been demonstrated that distance, illumination, size or form of the letters or other objects, and other conditions, affect the vision of the normal eye, or that conditions favorable to some normal eyes are not favorable to all.
It is normal for the clarity of vision to fluctuate: Clear, less clear, back to clear. Avoid eyeglasses and the vision will always return to 20/20 and clearer.


Most normal eyes have normal sight when reading the twenty foot line of a test card at twenty feet. Of these, a smaller number do not have normal sight at thirty feet or further. Some others do not see so well at a nearer distance, fifteen, ten, or five feet. Still others may have normal vision when tested at different distances from twenty feet to five feet, and have imperfect sight at more than twenty feet or nearer than five feet. One patient at times could see the moons of the planet Jupiter with normal sight when the eyes were normal; but at twenty feet the vision was imperfect, and remained imperfect for nearer points, until tested at six inches, when the vision and the eyes were again normal. Vision can be clear, unclear at a variety of different distances.
It is a truth that the distance of the test card when read with normal vision, varied daily, and in some cases within wide limits. These facts suggest that eyes with imperfect sight are improved more satisfactorily when treatment is employed with the test card placed at a distance where the results are best. In myopia, or nearsightedness, with the vision normal at one foot or nearer, improvement in the vision at a greater distance occurs by alternately reading the card at a near point, and a few inches further off.
It is a truth that when the eye is normal when regarding a letter or some other object at two feet or further, it may remain or continue normal for part of a minute, and when regarding a letter or other object at a greater distance, it may remain normal for a fraction of a second. By repetition the flashes of improved vision occur more frequently and last longer.


The illumination is important. As a general rule, vision is normal in the normal eye when the light is good. This rule has many exceptions. It is a truth that some normal eyes may have normal sight only in a dim light. One patient suffered from the annoyance of ordinary daylight to an extreme degree. At twenty feet only some of the larger letters were read without glasses. After the light was lessened by screens, the vision improved to the normal. After sun treatment the patient obtained normal vision in a strong light, as well as in dim light.


The environment may be favorable or unfavorable. Teachers in the public schools with normal eyes, normal sight without glasses, had more pupils with normal eyes than those teachers with imperfect sight, or who were wearing glasses. Teachers have cured their pupils by treatment without glasses while curing their own eyes at the same time. Many people are great imitators. In schools where the pupils are ambitious to obtain normal sight without glasses, those with imperfect sight are influenced to do likewise: read the Snellen test card, practice the swing and rest their eyes frequently by closing them or by palming.
School children with imperfect sight have been treated and cured. The cured children often helped or cured the imperfect sight of other members of their family, their neighbors, and their friends. The facts have been published from time to time in this magazine and elsewhere.

A child aged five had a well marked turning of one eye inward toward the nose. The condition was noticed soon after birth. The mother said that the child was very nervous, and when playing with other children who were also nervous, her eyes were worse; but, when she enjoyed the play, she was not nervous and her eyes were straight. The mother, the child and I played “Puss in the Corner” and made it a very noisy affair. The child screamed with laughter and even the mother smiled. The eyes became straight and remained straight as long as the patient was comfortable. But when the environment of this patient became annoying in any way, the eyes turned. The mother was advised to teach the patient many games which amused or interested her. The object of the treatment was to encourage relaxation.

The cause of death among many aviators has been believed to be due to attacks of blindness from eyestrain. Flying through dark clouds, in storms of wind, rain or snow, the environment may quite readily cause imperfect sight from eyestrain. But even with the weather conditions favorable, aviators have testified that attacks of blindness may occur without the victim knowing the cause.
This subject has been more fully discussed in the N. Y. Medical Journal of September 8, 1917.

From Better Eyesight Magazine – June, 1925:
If you learn the fundamental principles of perfect sight and will consciously keep them in mind your defective vision will disappear. The following discoveries were made by Dr. Bates and his method is based on them. With it he has cured so-called incurable cases;

1 - Many blind people are curable.
2 - All errors of refraction are functional, therefore curable.
3 - All defective vision is due to strain in some form.
4 - Strain is relieved by relaxation.

You can demonstrate to your own satisfaction that strain lowers the vision.
When you stare, you strain. Look fixedly at one object for five seconds or longer. What happens? The object blurs and finally disappears. Also, your eyes are made uncomfortable by this experiment. When you rest your eyes for a few moments the vision is improved and the discomfort relieved.
Have someone with perfect sight demonstrate the fundamental principles contained in Dr. Bates’ book, “Perfect Sight Without Glasses.” (Original book is; perfect Sight Without Glasses - The Cure Of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses) If the suggestions and instructions are carried out, and glasses discarded, it is possible to improve the vision without personally consulting a physician.
“Perfect Sight Without Glasses” will be sent C.O.D. on five days’ approval. $Price, $5.00.
Central Fixation Publishing Company
383 Madison Avenue, New York City

Dr. Bates Medical Article is placed here;


New York Medical Journal,
Sept. 8, 1917, Page 440-442


It is generally believed that the normal eye has perfect sight all the time. It has been compared to a perfect machine which is always in good working order. We have been taught that the normal eye is always normal and that the sight is always perfect, no matter what the object regarded may be, whether new, strange, or familiar, whether the light is good or imperfect, or whether the surroundings are pleasant or disagreeable. Even under conditions of nerve strain and bodily disease, the normal eye is expected to have perfect sight always.

A scientific study of the facts has convinced me that this impression so generally believed and taken for granted is far from the truth. After thirty years special study of the refraction of the eye under different conditions I am convinced that the normal eye has imperfect sight most of the time. It is unusual to find persons who can maintain perfect sight continuously longer than a few minutes under the most favorable conditions. Of 20,000 school children studied by me, more than one half had normal eyes with perfect sight. Not one of them had perfect sight in each eye every day. The sight of many of them might be good in the morning and imperfect in the afternoon, while many with imperfect sight in the morning would have frequently perfect sight in the afternoon. Many children with normal eyes would read one Snellen test card with perfect sight, a second and different one with imperfect sight. Many children could read some letters of the alphabet with perfect sight but were unable to distinguish other letters of the same size under similar conditions. The amount or the degree of the imperfect sight varied within wide limits from one third of the normal to one tenth or less. The duration of the imperfect sight of the normal eye was also variable. Under some conditions in the classroom the imperfect sight might continue for only a few minutes or less. Under other conditions, however, a small number of pupils, sometimes all the pupils with normal eyes would have sufficient loss of sight to prevent them from seeing writing on the blackboard for days, weeks, or longer.

Adults with normal eyes do not have perfect sight all the time and what has been said of the normal eyes of school children is also true of them. Age is no exception. Persons over seventy years of age with normal eyes have had attacks of loss of sight variable in degree and duration. The retinoscope always indicated an error of refraction when the sight of the normal eye was imperfect. A man eighty years old with normal eyes and perfect sight had periods of imperfect sight which would last from a few minutes to several hours or longer. Retinoscopy always indicated myopia, sometimes 4D or more. Many adults with normal eyes, as well as children have attacks of color blindness. One patient with normal eyes with perfect sight and perfect color perception in the daytime has always been color blind at night. He had no perception of colors after sunset. It is true that all persons with normal eyes are always less able to distinguish colors correctly during the time that their sight was imperfect. Accidents on railroads, collisions, and other accidents at sea, trolley car accidents, automobiles with their high daily death list, occur usually because the normal eyes of the responsible persons for a time had imperfect sight. Accidents occur when nervous children or adults cross the street. They become confused, blinded, and are struck by automobiles, trolley cars, are injured because, although they had normal eyes, their sight was lost.


There is but one cause of functional imperfect sight, a strain or effort to see. The normal eye with good sight is at rest, but, with imperfect sight, the retinoscope always indicates an error of refraction sufficient to account for the defect in the vision. The strain may be an unconscious strain or it may produce results on the eyes, pain, discomfort, fatigue, of which the individual may be conscious. Quite often the strain may be a conscious effort without the production of discomfort. In all cases of strain it can be demonstrated that the eyes do not see best the point fixed but some other point to one side—the eyes do not see best where they are looking. If one letter or one word of a line is regarded, other letters or words on the same or other lines will be seen as well or better when the eyes are straining or making an effort to see.

The normal eye can be made to strain consciously by making an effort to see a letter or word better than the one regarded. The vision is always lowered for the letter or word regarded and an error of refraction is always produced. Unfamiliar objects cause eye strain and are never seen perfectly. School children with normal eyes who can read with normal sight small letters one quarter of an inch high at ten feet always have trouble in reading strange writing on the blackboard although the letters may be two inches high. Myopia, temporary or permanent, is always produced. Strange maps always produce imperfect sight in the normal eye because they cause a strain or effort to see.

When the eyes are used for near work the normal eye is seldom properly focused. The retinoscope has always demonstrated that when an effort or strain is made to see more clearly at twelve inches, twenty inches, or less than twelve inches, the eyes are always focused at a greater distance with the production of astigmatism, usually temporary, but which has been observed to become permanent. Of course with the eyes not properly focused the vision is defective. School children and adults learning to read, write, draw, sew, or to do mechanical work suffer from defective vision although they have normal eyes. This matter is of such practical importance that the attention of teachers should be called to the facts. Many children lose interest in their school work, become truants, incorrigibles, and chronic sufferers from headaches and other neuroses who might have been relieved by proper treatment. I have described the relief obtained by school children when the teachers understood the problem (1)

Light has a very important effect on the vision of the normal eye. An unexpected strong light always produced defective vision. The vision of all persons is imperfect when the eyes are first exposed to the strong light of the sun or to strong artificial light. Rapid or sudden changes in the intensity of the light always produce defective vision, not always sufficiently great to be manifest to the individual but which can always be demonstrated by careful tests of the vision and by use of the retinoscope. The defective vision produced by strong light may be temporary but it has been observed to continue in many cases for a number of weeks or months. It is never a permanent disability. Persistence in regarding a strong light after a time becomes a benefit. Some persons have become able to look directly at the strong light of the sun without any loss of vision whatever. When the light is dim or at night, the vision of the normal eye is usually good; but, when an effort is made to see, the vision becomes imperfect and the retinoscope indicates always an error of refraction.

Noise is a frequent cause of defective vision of the normal eye. All persons see imperfectly when they hear an unexpected loud sound. Familiar noises do not lower the vision usually, but unfamiliar, new, or strange noises always do with the production of a temporary error of refraction. Country children from quiet schools, after moving to a noisy city, may suffer from the effects of defective vision for long periods of time, weeks, months. In the classroom they do not do well in their work because their sight is impaired. It is a gross injustice for teachers and others to criticize, scold, punish, or humiliate them.

Moving pictures usually produce defective vision which is always temporary. Some of my patients have complained that they always suffered with pain and had poor sight whenever they regarded the screen with its flickering light. I believe that some years ago when photography was less perfect than it is now the pictures produced a great deal of eye strain, much greater then than at the present time. I always advised my patients under treatment for the cure of defective vision without glasses, to go to the movies frequently, practice central fixation (2), and become accustomed to the flickering light. They soon became able to stand the strain without loss or impairment of their vision. Other lights and reflections from smooth surges became less annoying and it seemed true that after the movies were unable to produce a relapse other lights were unable to lower the vision after they were relieved of errors of refraction, myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism by treatment.


Eye training with the aid of a Snellen test card at ten feet or farther is very successful in correcting and in preventing the imperfect sight of the normal eye. One may use a distant calendar, a sign with small letters, or one small letter for daily practice. The normal eye is readily trained to read the Snellen test card with normal vision or to see other letters or figures or one known small letter at a distance of ten feet or farther. The vision always improves and becomes better than that of the average normal eye. The practice of reading known or familiar letters once daily or more frequently with normal sight by the normal eye is a decided benefit and lessens the tendency to strain when regarding unfamiliar letters or objects.


On my recommendation more than 20,000 school children have practiced eye training daily with the aid of the Snellen test card. The results were of great practical importance. The vision of the normal eye was always improved when the teachers used the method properly. Because the sight was always improved, myopia was always prevented. This is the first published method for the prevention of myopia which was successful. Many children wearing glasses to benefit imperfect sight, pain, and fatigue of the eyes, and headaches were relieved so completely that they became able to discard their glasses and obtained more perfect sight and a greater relief to their eye pain and headaches. The eye training demonstrated by the good results obtained that many thousands of children in the schools are wearing glasses that they do not need because their eyes are normal.

Artists, bookkeepers, lawyers, physicians, writers, mechanics, and others found their efficiency increased many times with the aid of eye training. Many recruits for the army and navy were found to have imperfect sight and were rejected, although their eyes were normal. Eye training improved their sight. Later they read the Snellen card with perfect sight and were accepted.


1. All persons with normal eyes and perfect sight do not have normal eyes and perfect sight continuously.
2. The cause is always an effort or strain to see.
3. Treatment by eye training is successful when distant, small, familiar letters, are read a few moments at least every day.
4. The good results obtained justify the use of the method in all schools, the army, the navy, the merchant marine, on all railroads, in short by
everybody who desires or needs continuous perfect sight.


See other article - July, 1927, Better Eyesight Magazine


It is a natural question to ask: “Does sleep secure relaxation of the eyes? How many hours should one sleep to prevent imperfect sight in normal eyes?”
It was a great shock to me to find that patients with normal eyes were under a much greater strain when asleep than when they were awake. I do not know why. It is a truth that when the eyes are normal, there is no strain and they are at rest. Anything that is done is always wrong, and lowers the vision, because normal eyes only remain normal when the vision is normal. During sleep one is not conscious of the strain of imperfect sight. But the first thing in the morning the symptoms of eyestrain are very prominent, with headache, pain, and fatigue of the eyes. Many people complain that they have not had enough sleep, although some of them sleep from eight to twelve hours. With all the evidence at hand, I feel that sleep, instead of being a rest to eyestrain, is too often a cause.
A matter of great importance is the prevention of eyestrain during sleep. Some patients are materially benefited by practicing the long swing for five or ten minutes just before retiring. Others enjoy an increased relief from eyestrain by palming in bed until they fall asleep.


(No Sunglasses, Tinted Lenses, UV Blocking Lenses…)

When the eyes are hypersensitive to light, one usually obtains immediate relief from the discomfort by the use of an eye-shade. This relief, however, is temporary, and very soon glasses are prescribed which seldom are a permanent benefit. The conditions are not favorable for normal vision when using eye-shades.
The normal eye is not made uncomfortable in a good light. An eye-shade makes the eyes more sensitive to light and causes eyestrain. Patients who have used eye-shades habitually, are very difficult to cure. Sun treatment, when used properly, is often followed by quick relief. The patient sits in the sun facing the strong light with the eyelids closed. The head should be moved slowly from side to side. At first there may be slight discomfort which usually disappears in a few minutes. Continue for half an hour or longer. Now turn the back to the sun and open the eyes. There should be relief at once. By repetition the benefit becomes greater and more permanent. Do not be in a hurry to look in the neighborhood of the sun. The strong glare may cause a temporary loss of vision, and other discomforts which may continue for some hours or days before recovery. There is no danger of a permanent loss of vision by looking more or less directly at the sun.
(Modern teachers advise closed eye sunning only due to depletion of the earths ozone layer. Others state it is ok to look near the sun at the bright sky. The head is moved continually left and right to avoid concentration of the sun on any one area of the skin, eyes/sunburn.)


Many people desire to sleep late in the morning without being wakened by the sun. Before retiring they cover the eyes with a black bandage, which is worn until late in the morning. Patients who have used it for some weeks or months acquire a great sensitiveness to ordinary light, lose their good vision for distant letters or other objects, and become unable to read even large print without severe pain, headaches and fatigue. The cure of these cases is exceedingly difficult.
Eyeglasses, sunglasses, eyeshades impair melatonin hormone production and the sleep cycle.


It has been demonstrated that the normal eye has normal sight only under favorable conditions, and the conditions favorable to some are not necessarily favorable to all.

Stories From The Clinic

No. 68: How Others Help

By Emily C. Lierman

Many reports have been received from those students of Dr. Bates who are conducting clinics. It is encouraging to know that this work is spreading so fast. Clinics are being formed not only in America, but in Europe as well, and our representatives deserve the highest praise for their faithful work. A number of patients have taken a course from Dr. Bates, or myself, so they could teach others how to obtain normal vision. Mothers find it a great help to study the Bates Method. Some of them bring one of their children for treatment, and when they see the child obtain normal sight, they become eager to learn how to cure other members of their family. In this way the work has spread. If we could have a Bates Clinic in every town and city, people would be very much benefited.
There are many patients out West, who are treating the poor without any compensation whatever. They may not have regular clinics, but it is clinic work just the same. We have over fifty patients in Cleveland, Ohio, and some of them are helping the poor there. A teacher in one of the public schools has cured many of her little charges who had defective sight. In her reports to Dr. Bates, she mentioned several cases of defective minds that she had benefited by palming, blinking and swinging. After a number of her pupils were relieved of mind strain, they were placed in regular classes.
This teacher had to be careful not to offend the authorities or to mention that she was using any system or method. She had the pupils practice for a few minutes every day in her classroom. She can appreciate eye education and common sense, because she is a cured patient.
A few grateful patients, well-known women of Cleveland, go about from place to place, helping unfortunate people who have imperfect sight. While I was visiting at the home of Mrs. H. D. Messick, I discovered that she was conducting regular clinic sessions in her home every week. Although she is a busy woman, she gives part of her time to treating patients who cannot come to Dr. Bates. She has done remarkably well with many difficult cases, some of which I would like to report:

A little girl, nine years old, had convergent squint of her left eye. Very little of the iris was visible when I first met her. I was surprised when I saw her again, about six months later. The left eye was almost as straight as the right, and her vision had improved to 10/10 at times, with Mrs. Messick’s help.

A woman, with atrophy of the optic nerve of the right eye, and myopia in the left, was first examined by me, December, 1924. Her face was lined with pain, and she seemed to have no desire to smile. The right eye was nearly blind, and she could not see letters of the test card at any distance with that eye. Her vision was about 10/50 with the left eye.
She was directed to palm for about five minutes or longer, and then stand and swing her body from side to side, with a slow, easy sway. The vision of her left eye improved to 10/30, and she flashed the large C of the test card with her right eye. She was advised not to wear her glasses again, and to practice regularly every day. Mrs. Messick's efforts in helping this woman were certainly not in vain.

The last report I received was most encouraging, and ought to be so to any patient afflicted as this woman was. The vision of her right eye is now 8/40, and the left eye is, I believe, normal. However, she reads quite a little (lot) with comfort, and does not complain of pain any more. Her facial expression has changed for the better, and she is very grateful for what has been accomplished.

Another case that I started about the same time, was that of a fifteen-year-old boy, who was wearing glasses for myopia. His left eye was almost blind, and the vision of the right was 10/30. I taught him to palm and swing, and in less than half an hour his vision became normal, or 10/10 in the right eye. When he covered his right eye, the vision of his left began to improve for the large letters of the card, although they were not clear or distinct. I told him that if he wished to be cured, he would have to practice faithfully every day, as he was directed. He promised to do his part. I just gave him a start, but it was Mrs. Messick who cured him. I visited him some months later, and found his vision normal when he read the test card with each eye separately. He sees as well with the left eye as he does with the right. He displayed some marvelous drawings of ships, which were done after he was cured. The letter I recently received from him is printed below:

August 26, 1925.
My dear Mrs. Lierman:

I am so grateful to you and Mrs. Messick for having helped me to follow Dr. Bates' method, that I am writing to tell of my experience with my eyes.
About December, 1924, we were examined by the school doctor. He told me my left eye was nearly blind.
Mother immediately took me to a well-known oculist in Cleveland, and after several visits to his office, he prescribed glasses for me, to be worn always. A week had passed when I met you at Mrs. Messick's. You told me to discard my glasses and practice palming and swinging, which I gladly did.
Some of the teachers knowing I had worn glasses and seeing that I didn't after I had met you, tried to persuade me to wear them; but I wouldn't, when I noticed how my eyesight was improving.
After seeing Mrs. Messick once a week, and practicing regularly at home five minutes in the morning and five in the evening, my left eye gradually improved to normal.
With deep gratitude for being spared the great annoyance of wearing glasses, I am

Yours sincerely,


By Jane June

Editor’s Note. - The remarkable results obtained by palming are due to the relaxation produced. If a patient will allow his mind to relax, his eyes will be rested and his vision improved. There are many pleasant ways to palm and each patient has his own favorite method. Jane June’s idea is very effective.

When I want to see a picture,
I never need to go
Into a picture-show of any kind.
I’ve a button in my brain.
I can press it without pain
And release my movie mind.

Anything I’ve read or seen
Flashes quickly on the screen;
Be it near or far away-
This is what I’ve seen today:

Out upon the Naples Bay,
White sails softly dip and sway.
The sun is shining clear,
And those ships seem very near,
Although so far away.

Just outside the window-pane,
Which is bright with drops of rain,
There’s a robin hopping fast,
For his dinner-time is past;
His head is cock-a-pie
Because he thinks he hears a worm
Crawling underneath the grass.
The brown dog, Nether, is after the cat,
Running hard, though he is fat.
The cat, as mad as mad can be,
Is making for the nearest tree.
When she gets up into that,
Nether, out of breath and feeling flat,
Will have to sit down there below,
Bark offensively-and go.
Oh! there goes a crocodile,
Swimming down the yellow Nile;
Just above him, on a vine,
Feeling very safe and fine,
Swings a monkey-one of nine.
Crocodile says, “Come lower, please.”
Monkey says, “I prefer trees,”
And begins to upward climb.
Just you try and you will find
Great fun with your movie mind.

Using, improving the memory and imagination improves function of the brain with the eyes, mental, visual pictures and clarity of vision. Practice this method with palming.

Better Eyesight League Notice

The President of the better Eyesight League has requested us to publish the address of their new meeting place.
This is:
Carnegie Hall, Room 810, Entrance on 7th Avenue, corner 56th street.
The October meeting will be held on the first Tuesday, the 6th, at 8 P.M.


Little Girls Cure Homeless Man of Blindness

Editor’s Note. - This letter from a school teacher was just received, and seemed so worthwhile that we decided to make room for it in this issue. It substantiates Ms. Lierman’s reports that those who know the method can improve the sight of others. We regret that we did not have time to obtain the permission of the writer to publish this article, and are therefore withholding her name.

Dear Dr. Bates:
I cannot resist telling you what my little Edith Collins, aged twelve years, has done for a blind man that she picked up on the street.
His eyes were very much sunken. She taught him to palm and sun-gaze. She and a little girl friend visited him in his hovel once or twice a week. Much of the time he was so ill that he kept to his bed, but had this so placed that the sun shone on his eyes. Little by little his eyes came forward. He palmed faithfully and swung a chart that was given to him. A visiting nurse was telling him it was all “bunk” one day, as Edith entered. She spoke to the nurse and informed her it was not bunk, and that if she (the nurse) would come back in two or three months she would find out for herself.
Well, up to July the reports were that he was gradually looking better, and his eyes seemed fuller. When school opened, Edith came into my room and said, “He sees!”
I had forgotten about the man, and for a minute I wondered what she meant. She told me that she had met this man on the street a week or two ago - he was very happy - sees to get around, can read headlines in the papers, and can pick out the smaller words in spots. He has promised her that he will not stop exercising till he obtains perfect sight. He also told Edith that if he had not met her, he would still be a blind man begging for food. Now he intends to find work in some other city.
Isn’t this a wonderful thing for a little girl to do? Of course, if it were not for Edith, the man would still have been blind. Children do not discriminate as to whether a man is a beggar, a worker or worthy. To them there are no differences. They scatter the good into every nook and cranny, and what is more, if it had not been for the revolutionary discovery of this very, very natural way to see and think, I would not have been able to have carried it on to the children, who so unquestionably take to the truth when presented to them.
I have been so excited about this that I had to write you at once!

Soon To Be Published

We wish to announce that Mrs. Lierman’s book- STORIES FROM THE CLINIC - is now at press, and we hope to receive it some time in December. No definite date could be set heretofore, as Mrs. Lierman’s work with Dr. Bates prevented her from devoting much time to writing. As assistant to Dr. Bates, Mrs. Lierman is exceptionally well qualified to place this method before the public.
Stories From The Clinic are included in Better Eyesight Magazines. Some of the stories are a bit different in Mrs. Liermans book.
This book is included in the book; Do It Yourself – Natural Eyesight Improvement – Original and Modern Bates Method. Book/Website;


By George M. Guild

When the city boarders occupied all the rooms and beds of the farm house, little Jimmie was sent to the barn to sleep in the hay. At first the change from the house to the barn was a benefit, but in a few days swarms of mosquitoes invaded the place, and tortured Jimmie. Then The Bat appeared. He was such a homely bat, and has such dreadful habits that he annoyed Jimmie very much. The second night he came, again, very much increased in size, with the same wicked little eyes, and apparently full of plans to annoy Jimmie further. Jimmie grabbed a pitchfork, and rushed at The Bat to kill him, not just dead, but very much dead, more dead than any bat had ever been. Before Jimmie reached him, The Bat said, “Have a mosquito?” Jimmie stopped, amazed, and lowered his pitchfork. While he watched, The Bat leaned forward, and dropped a mess of big fat mosquitoes into Jimmie’s hands. When Jimmie threw them down in disgust, The Bat looked surprised, because he could not understand how anyone could throw away such a delicacy. He explained to Jimmie that they had a wonderful flavor of sweet flowers and wild honey, and that he was the special Mosquito Catcher to the Fairy Queen. He supplied all the festivals with the choicest mosquitoes.
Jimmie was tired, lay down on his bed of straw, and was immediately fast asleep. He was so grateful to The Bat for clearing the barn of these little pests. Suddenly, he remembered that he had not seen his little crippled playmate for three days, and he became worried. The more he thought of her, the more restless he became. He cried out “Where is my little crippled blind girl? I want to see her. I want the fairies to help her, because she has such beautiful eyes. She is good and kind, but she is crippled, and her beautiful eyes cannot see. Take me to her Mr. Bat, quick, right away.”
The Bat picked little Jimmie up, and flew with him, far away, over mountains, rivers, and woods, and stopped in front of a tiny little cottage, on the shore of a big gloomy lake.
How did The Bat do it? Easy enough. The Fairy Queen touched him with her wand, and he became large and strong enough to carry Jimmie.
Jimmie hopped off The Bat’s back, and looked through the window of the cottage. He saw nothing but a little bare room. Soon a little old witch woman, with a sharp pointed hat, and a broom under her arm, walked towards the front door, which The Bat was holding tight shut. The Fairy Queen softly alighted on Jimmie’s shoulder, and told him many things. “First,” she said, “do not ask questions. The witch is trying to steal the little blind girl, and as long as you do not speak, we can manage her. She is really afraid of The Bat, who threatened to fatten his new mosquitoes on her flesh. I do not want any of the mosquitoes filled with the witch’s poison blood at all.”
Jimmie listened to all the Fairy Queen told him. Soon the Witch became suspicious, and rushed out, straddled her broom, and went sailing toward the sky. Jimmie could not keep still, and called after the old woman as loud as he could: “Goodbye, you old witch!” She heard this, turned back in a rage, and flew straight for Jimmie’s face. But The Bat was not idle. He placed himself between Jimmie and the old witch, grabbed her by the neck, threw her to the ground, and swept her with her own broom right towards the lake. When she realized where she was going, she knew she was doomed. She fought back, but The Bat was too strong for her, and in spite of all her efforts she could not stop him. How she did scream, curse and swear. Then she began to cry and beg for mercy, but The Bat kept right on until he swept her into the lake. She slowly sank and finally disappeared. The Bat threw her broom into the water, where it floated on the surface for a few minutes. Suddenly a long, skinny arm, with sharp claws for hands, shot out of the water, grabbed the broom, pulled it beneath the water, and that was the end of the witch.
A company of fairies on the shore of the lake were singing:
“And there she will stay
Ten years and a day-
Good Riddance!”
They all now returned to the cottage to look after the crippled blind girl. She was so glad to hear Jimmie’s voice, and thanked them all for saving her from the witch.
The Bat, who was now larger than Jimmie twice over, and strong as a horse, was not satisfied with himself. After much coaxing, the Fairy Queen finally found out that The Bat believed he was too homely and wished to be beautiful. While Jimmie was busy with the crippled blind girl, treating her as advised by the Fairy Queen to cure her, The Bat and the Fairy Queen disappeared. Jimmie did help the little girl and they were playing in the woods, having a most glorious time, for she was not now a crippled blind girl, but one who was cured by the fairies, by The Bat, and by the love of Jimmie. Suddenly the little girl cried out:
“See the beautiful butterfly! It is the biggest that ever was, and on its back is the Fairy Queen!” She clapped her hands with glee and ran to the butterfly. The only way the Fairy Queen could make The Bat beautiful was to turn him into a large butterfly. How proud he was of his beautiful colorings and his soft, silky wings. The admiration of the little girl rewarded him for all his goodness.
It is very difficult to get a boy awake and out of bed sometimes. The hired girl had been working over Jimmy to waken him, but all she could get him to say was:
“Just a few more mosquitoes browned in the pan.”

Ophthalmologist Bates BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE with Translator, Speaker; - FREE Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Training, 20 Color E-books. YouTube Videos; - Phone, Google Video Chat, Skype Training;
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